July 2013


Toad 12 and Oracle 12

data redaction

Is it by chance that within an interval of a few days both Oracle announced Oracle 12c and Dell Software announced Toad for Oracle v12? When I first saw Toad 12 (which was the first one), I was wondering about the features. As I generally don’t like reading documents I tried myself and immediately found a new feature named “Jump”. This helps a lot finding useful tools like the various compare options but is able to scan your directories and even the entire internet for additional information. So if you are new to Toad use it to find the tools;

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VARCHAR2(32767) – Sense or Nonsense?

Maximum Columnsize for VARCHAR2 is now 32k! With Oracle12c you can define a column of data type VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2 or RAW with a maximum length of 32767 Byte (but not CHAR!). But why is that useful? Datatype CLOB or NCLOB are fit better for pure text fields of a certain size. They can be handled in chunks instead of manipulating the entire text at once and with the SecureFile option which is now default for CLOB and BLOB in Oracle12c the storage is much more efficient.

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Oracle 12c – Where have all the processes gone …?

Multi-Process Multi-Threaded Oracle If you are running Oracle databases on Unix or Linux you probably know that there are many processes even if no user is connected. But if you run Oracle on Microsoft Windows you only see one processes and all Actions are connected to it as threads. With Oracle 12c it’s now possibe to run an instance with very few processes and all tasks are running as threads. This is named “Multi-Threaded Oracle“.

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